Exertis | Nyheter

Svenskgrundade Konftel kompletterar Exertis produktportfölj

Friday 1st October 2021

Peter Settling, Commercial Manager Nordics, Pro AV Exertis

Exertis Nordics välkomnar Konftel - leverantör med kostnadseffektiva helhetslösningar inom videokonferens. De täcker ett tidigare hål i vår produktportfölj och vi ser en stor fördel i att Konftel är ett företag grundat i Sverige och har en stark lokal kännedom om vår nordiska marknad.

De har smarta lösningar och en god service som vi tror kommer att passa våra kunders behov på ett utmärkt sätt. Miljö och hållbarhet är också en mycket viktig del för oss i våra samarbeten och vi känner oss trygga med att Konftel ligger i framkant gällande miljön.

Konftel var det första företaget i branschen att kompensera alla utsläpp av växthusgaser i sin produktion och har två år i rad erhållit ”Climate Neutral certification”.

Välkommen Konftel, vi ser fram emot ett fint framtida samarbete!

Leading conferencing and collaboration manufacturer Konftel is extending its presence across Sweden and Denmark by teaming up with Exertis, in a dynamic new distribution partnership.

Konftel has joined forces with the supply specialist to offer its complete range of video and audio solutions – based on simplicity, flexibility and high performance, in a rapidly changing workplace.

Konftel’s Area Sales Manager (Nordics and Baltic), Jörgen Rönnqvist, says the alliance will help Konftel penetrate deeper across the region and offer its award-winning solutions to an even larger audience.

Powerful platform
Konftel is renowned for creating video conferencing solutions for any room type and working with Exertis provides us with a powerful new platform to extend our reach even further. "

“Exertis is one of the biggest names in the communications supply sector and we are delighted to be working closer together in Sweden and Denmark. As the world begins to recover from the pandemic, the way organizations interact and develop continues to evolve such as around hybrid working. Both Konftel and Exertis are ideally placed to inspire and deliver new integrated ways of communication continuity.”

He added: “Our products provide many flexible ways to optimize video conferencing across a multitude of locations, from a home worker to huddle rooms and the biggest boardrooms. Many exciting opportunities are ahead.

“In addition we’ve just launched a new interactive room guide which makes it easy to identify the right solutions for the right rooms, from products to connectivity and overall set-up.”

Renowned reputation
His positive comments were endorsed by Peter Settling, Exertis Commercial Manager Nordics, Pro AV, who says in a changing world, high quality conferencing is playing a key role in keeping organizations connected.

Konftel has a renowned reputation for providing high quality universal solutions for any kind of meeting environment,” he remarked from the company’s Stockholm offices. “Our customers will benefit greatly from access to the latest collaboration and conferencing technologies, in a rapidly evolving workplace.”

He concluded: “With the hybrid workplace emerging as the new norm, video meetings have become the central resource for collaboration and efficient decision making. These trends will continue to accelerate."

Konftel offers something for everybody, based on simple, easy to use, high performance conferencing. We are excited to be working with such a market innovator to help create new customer opportunities and bring organizations much closer together.

About Exertis Group
Exertis is the leading technology distributor of consumer, business and enterprise products from established and emerging technology brands, and a wholly owned subsidiary of parent company DCC PLC, a FTSE 100 company. After 39 years of profitability Exertis continues to outperform the market, achieving revenues of £3.913 billion in FY2020.

Exertis represents 2,400 global and emerging brands selling to more than 50,000 reseller and retailer customers focused on consumer, mobile, business, enterprise and IT Supplies. It also provides an industry leading and innovative range of services and value-added solutions. With offices in Europe, North America, Middle East and China and with global reach via its supply chain services, Exertis employs 4,200 in 21 countries.

For more information contact:

Peter Settling, Commercial Manager Pro AV
[email protected]

Chris Widocks, PR Manager
[email protected]

Stefan Eriksson, CMO
[email protected]

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