Exertis | Nyheter

Coronavirus and business continuity

Tuesday 17th March 2020

With the recent announcement of the Coronavirus pandemic, Exertis has taken steps to implement our business continuity plan to ensure that we minimise any potential disruption to our business operations and to our customers whilst protecting the welfare of our employees. We already have a robust crisis management plan and controls in place but we are monitoring the situation on a daily basis, and continue to follow Public Health England, World Health Organisation and government guidelines. Our top priority is to protect our employees and we have already taken measures to minimise potential exposure to COVID-19 by: restricting non-essential, business travel; enhancing cleaning protocols at our facilities; providing clear hygiene advice to our staff; ensuring that employees who have visited high risk areas or display symptoms of the virus self-isolate and facilitating flexible home working as appropriate.

At this stage, we have no impact on supply or service levels and will advise customers as and when any change to that might occur.

What measures has Exertis in place to deal with the current coronavirus outbreak?
Exertis has pre-existing business continuity, crisis management and disaster recovery plans in place which cover many eventualities including pandemics. These have been regularly reviewed by senior management and can be implemented as required.

What actions have you taken to address the current coronavirus crisis?
We have implemented our business continuity plan to ensure that we minimise any potential disruption to our business operations and to our customers whilst protecting the welfare of our employees. We are monitoring the situation on a daily basis, following regulatory guidelines and advice, and taking appropriate actions to safeguard our employees. As this is a fluid situation, we are ensuring that our employees, customers and suppliers are regularly updated on the situation.

What measures have you specifically taken to protect employees and customers?
We have already taken measures to minimise potential exposure to COV-19 by: restricting non-essential, business travel; enhancing cleaning protocols at our facilities; providing clear hygiene advice to our staff; ensuring that employees who have visited high risk areas or display symptoms of the virus self-isolate and facilitating flexible home working as appropriate.

How will Exertis manage if one of its facilities is impacted?
Within our business continuity plan, we have controls in place which will minimise the likelihood of an operational site closure. However, Exertis is in a fortunate position that it has several facilities in the UK from which it can operate if a temporary closure was required at one site. In addition, many functions can be expedited through remote working which will enable business and communication to continue. Our plans also include the ability of many of our employees to be able to work from home should that scenario be necessary.

Is Exertis working with vendor partners, suppliers and carriers to ensure customer orders can be fulfilled?
Yes, we are in constant contact with our vendor partners and other stakeholders to understand where supply chain issues may affect product availability. Naturally, this is an on-going situation but currently we are not experiencing any significant impact on supply or service levels. Any changes will be communicated accordingly.

What is Exertis’ policy on attending events or customer meetings?
The welfare of our employees is of paramount importance and we have already taken the decision not to attend major industry events which could lead to, or risk, a spread of the virus. We have restricted, non-essential travel and expect the majority of meetings to be conducted via conference call as a viable alternative. Are you allowing visitors access to your offices?
Yes, but we are expecting more of our meetings to be conducted via video conferencing platforms during the current coronavirus situation, thereby reducing the number of visitors to our offices. We would expect people to stay away if they have knowingly been in close contact with an infected person or have recently visited a high-risk area and follow the recommended health care procedures.

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